Develop a Web Video Marketing Strategy

By August 6, 2017Web Video
Web Video Production

| Effective tool for small business, video marketing |

The majority of marketers are looking to add channels that support video in their marketing efforts in 2017.

Future of Internet is Web Video

You tube is the second largest search engine and boosting over 1000 000 000 000 unique visits every single month, so it has got huge traffic source and by the year 2020 about 82% of traffic will come from video streaming which is 70% more than in year 2015.

 Boost Engagement and Conversions and Sales

 Video always attracts viewers and plays as a medium to convey messages which is more effective than written text. Studies have shown that a video placed on your landing page can increase conversions by 80%. This is because the content is engaging and it encourages people to watch. Improving landing page conversion rates is always a major matter of concern, but with an introductory video sales can be increased by up to 216 percent. Unbounce reported that conversion rate increases by 100 percent by putting video into the website.

Generate Trust and Affiliation

In business as in private life, all successful relationships run on trust. Trust has a direct correlation to business results though it is hard to achieve for small businesses. In case of small businesses one should avoid aggressive behavior and star giving useful information to the customers which is the technique of growing traffic to your business naturally.

Show Your Product in Action

Video marketing is the only way to show an insight view of your product. A video can provide people with some insight into what your product actually does and how it should be used. Though it is difficult to imagine how a product can come when all you have is some photos of the product. Video marketing helps to save you a lot of unnecessary question.

Boost Social Shares

Social sharing is a great way of driving more traffic to your business.  Video uploading in these social sites are increasing. Facebook has launched some video features like 360 video, Live video and Life stage app. Instagram added a new feature of uploading 60 second video and Twitter states that video and photo get more re-tweets.

Stand Out From the Crowd

Videos do an amazing job of capturing attention and sparking interest, so if you want to achieve a targeted place in small business with your video marketing you have to stand out. Get a leg up and jump in now to harness the power of video marketing to get leads and make sales for your small business.
